Celebrating 30 Years of Service to our Members

I always come to LI events thinking I cannot afford the time. I always leave thinking I cannot afford to miss LI.
- Health System CMO
The general insight from the seasoned LI membership on conceptual issues is very useful…networking is one of the most valuable attributes of LI.
- Health System CFO
Best set of meetings I attend; great content, practical and applicable ideas, including strategies or tactics to avoid; great networking opportunities; fine staff who attend to both big picture and details of successful meetings, and excellent conference venues.
- Health System Chief Strategist
First, I am a tough grader, and I can’t think of any other outside organization I give higher marks to. Big value is from getting away with team and getting perspective in honest discussions.
- Health System SVP
The continuity of membership and highly talented, quality members are the enduring strength of LI.
- Health System EVP
I appreciate the support, the friendships and the professional development opportunities LI has provided for me.
-Thomas Auer, M.D., Chief Executive Officer

Privacy Policy

Our Policy on Privacy:

At The Leadership Institute, we care about your privacy. For this reason our website is password protected with only a few public pages.  All LI members sign a confidentiality agreement and each of our three LI member groups (Founding, Millennium, Horizon) are not able to see others. Members of the LI National Behavioral Health Forum are only able to see materials in their password protected portal

The Leadership Institute policies ensure your privacy by holding our web site privacy practices to high standards and conforming to commonly known configurations to ensure privacy practices are being followed.

Questions regarding this statement should be directed to:

The Leadership Institute
101 Mission Street, Suite 1450
San Francisco, CA 94105
Telephone 415-247-1000

The Leadership Institute will correct all errors or wrongful actions arising in connection with the privacy policy.